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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Leaf Goalie Inspired by Mandela, Whoever That Is

I don't expect pro hockey players to know much outside their privileged millionaire bubbles.  Whatever. 

We all have topics we'd look foolish trying to discuss.  For example, I don't know anything about the TV show, Game of Thrones.  But if I went to a Game of Thrones gala, I'd at least learn about the show's basics.  If a TV reporter put a camera on me and asked me to talk about Game of Thrones, I would politely decline or at least fake a heart attack.  As a last resort, I'd admit I knew nothing.

I certainly wouldn't try to wing it and shovel bullcrap everywhere.

That's how Leafs' goalie Jonathan Bernier played it Friday night.  Bernier was invited to a fundraiser that honoured Nelson Mandela on the one year anniversary of his death.  Bernier showered, put on his best Leaf-coloured suit and slicked back his greasy Sam Smith haircut.  But never once did it occur to him to find out who Nelson Mandela actually is.

So he tried to B.S. his way out of it with hilarious results.

I bet Bernier still cherishes Mandela's rookie card to this day.

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