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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Tucker and Alfie Sittin' in a Tree...

With Daniel Alfredsson ready to retire here in Ottawa next week, it brought up many great Alfie memories.  Darcy Tucker doesn't have particularly good memories of #11.  He tweeted this out yesterday:
Tucker's most famous run-in with Alfredsson was this attempt to draw a penalty during a playoff game vs Ottawa.  Like a car putting on the brakes on the Queensway, Tucker stopped short on Alfredsson in hopes of protecting the puck along the boards.  Alfie had no time to stop, bumping into Tucker.  Tucker took advantage of the bump, lunging into the boards, trying to make the bump look like a vicious hit from behind, worthy of ejection.  Good try.

Fans in Toronto were livid about the situation, particularly because Alfie scored the game winning goal immediately afterward.  I'm not sure how the announcers though it could be Tomas Kaberle.  That whole thing had Darcy Tucker written all over it.

Here's video of the incident. I apologize for all the laughter it contains.  I assure you.  Never in a million years would I intentionally not edit this video.

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