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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Leafs Get Back to Saluting - Half-Assed Style

Salute-gate is apparently over in Toronto.  After a win over Detroit last night MOST of the Leaf players tried to calm the waters by suddenly restoring their post game salute.  Kinda.  It was a fairly weak attempt at an apology for snubbing the fans after their last victory.

This is how it came off:  "Bah!  Fine!  Here's your stupid salute back!  You people happy now??!!  But know this!  We are NOT skating to centre ice anymore!!!   HOW DO YA LIKE THEM APPLES??!!  HA!"

It's hilarious.  A group of multi-millionaires playing for a team that hasn't won in 47 years having the nerve to try and "punish" the fans, even in this small way, by denying them a traditional gesture.  And even when they tried to restore the thank you gesture last night, they refused to do it properly, because they're still being pissy.

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